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Filminfo & Termine

The Lehman Trilogy
Großbritannien 2019, Laufzeit: 210 Min.
Regie: Sam Mendes
Darsteller: Ben Miles, Adam Godley, Simon Russel Beale

Kurzinfo: The story of a family and a company that changed the world, told in three parts on a single evening. Academy Award-winner Sam Mendes (Skyfall, The Ferryman) directs Simon Russell Beale, Adam Godley and Ben Miles who play the Lehman Brothers, their sons and grandsons. On a cold September morning in 1844 a young man from Bavaria stands on a New York dockside. Dreaming of a new life in the new world. He is joined by his two brothers and an American epic begins. 163 years later, the firm they establish – Lehman Brothers – spectacularly collapses into bankruptcy, and triggers the largest financial crisis in history. (plb)

Neue Kinofilme

Planet der Affen: New Kingdom

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